
Launching a New Presentation? It’s as Easy as 1-2-3


Wondering how to introduce your new presentation to prospective clients? Or wondering how to launch your brand new speaking business? Nothing works better than a great email campaign anchored by some high-content videos (three of them, as a matter of fact).

Watch the video above and you’ll get a glimpse of how Brian Tracy is launching his new “JumpStart” program — or sign up for his free videos here and experience the campaign for yourself.

Could you imagine running a similar campaign of your own? No need to imagine it! Tools like OptimizePress and Kajabi give you the platform to create the very same sequence – or hire me and I’ll take care of it for you!

DISCLOSURE: Links above are affiliate links, meaning I may be compensated if you purchase any products from these sources. I wouldn’t share the links if I didn’t believe in the people/products/services offered, but you should obviously do your own due diligence before making any purchases.