
Five Game-Changing Mindsets to Grow Your Business in 2012

In this video:

  • Recap of video #1 in the “How to Succeed Speaking in 2012” series
  • Five mindsets shared by the most successful speakers (3:20)
  • How to attract followers, supporters and sponsors to your speaking business (4:30)
  • How to craft your content to earn higher fees (10:00)
  • Why you need to develop a product suite like Apple (10:43)
  • Seven most common products of NSA members (13:33)
  • Why your goal should NOT be to be today’s best speaker (14:25)
  • Two ways to get leads for your speaking business (18:49)
  • What you need to know before you bank on telemarketing and direct mail (19:25)
  • How to save 62% on your lead acquisition efforts (23:58)
  • Nine popular channels for inbound marketing (25:00)
  • Does blogging work? ONE number you’ll want to see! (28:55)
  • The #1 social network to generate business (30:20)
  • One more game-changing mindset that powers everything! (31:58)
  • A glimpse of how The Speakers Group is gearing up to help you in 2012 (33:30)

After you watch the video…

  1. Please comment below: what is your big goal or mission for 2012, and what is the #1 question you need answered to achieve it?
  2. Register for the free Q&A coaching session on December 22 or 27 — get that burning question off your chest and let me help you get off to a strong start in 2012!
  3. Please share this video with someone else you want to see succeed speaking in 2012!


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