
Wanna Be On TV?

kids watching tv
Creative Commons License photo credit: downing.amanda

Thanks to Google TV Ads, you can… without breaking the bank! That’s right, even the little guys like you and me can get on TV and reach thousands of people for just 100 bucks or so (according to case studies I’ve seen). If you’ve got $1,000 or more, you can reach millions of people! (We’re talking about late night ads on cable channels at these low prices — not primetime ads on the major networks! — but people are people, right?)

Just remember: the key to any advertising is to generate action, so simply being seen on TV isn’t the mission. You want to be seen AND motivate people to action. Maybe you want people to buy something, like your DVD program. Maybe you want to promote your book. (Here’s a little article on about how to do that.) Maybe you want to build your list, so you offer a free report or other resource with high perceived value. Just get people to do something!

Google has some helpful resources on their web site if you’d like to learn more. If you give this a shot, come back here and comment and let us know how it goes.

I’ll be watching for your ad!