
WATCH: How to Find Superstars to Grow Your Business

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As you grow your business, it begins to occur to you that there are things you can be doing in your business to produce even more value than you’re producing now – which will translate into increased sales, growth and profit. New opportunities turn up, new ways to create value emerge, and new ways to get customers manifest.

And then you realize that there’s just one “little problem” with these new opportunities: Your schedule is already full, and you don’t have time to pursue them. The only way to “graduate” to the next level in your business is to delegate some of the things you’re already doing to others. This will free up your time to actively pursue the higher-value work, and leverage your efforts up to the next level of results and rewards.

Sound familiar?

Those are the opening lines in Eben Pagan’s latest special report on “Delegating, Outsourcing & Hiring For Growth.” (The report is a free accompaniment to the video above and I encourage you to download your copy here now – affiliate link.)

It took me a long time to finally delegate some of my work, and it was a huge relief when I did. There are certain activities in running a business that I absolutely love, and there are certain activities that absolutely drain me. As it turns out, though, there are other people who love those activities that I despise (and vice versa). By putting other people in position to do those tasks, I can help them earn a living — or grow their business — doing work that they’re passionate about, and I can be more successful in my business, too. It’s a win-win!

But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

I think delegation and outsourcing is one of the biggest keys to success (or failure) for an entrepreneur, but I also know it’s one of the most difficult undertakings. I’m actually looking at how I can get some additional support in place right now, and I found lots of great advice in this new report from Eben — he even shares an actual copy of one of the ads that he wrote to hire a personal assistant so you can see exactly how he does it. He also tells you which tasks to delegate first so you free up your valuable time to do the higher-value, business-growing actions (and get more time off).

I hope you enjoy the video above, and be sure to download the report while it’s still available. (If by chance this link doesn’t work anymore, it means he pulled it down.)

Want a free VA for a week?

Once you know what you need to outsource, here’s a link to get you up to 40 hours free from a virtual assistant (affiliate link). I was introduced to this service by a couple of colleagues in the industry that I have great respect for, and I’ve spoken with Michael, the owner, myself. He’s already got the “superstars” in place — at a variety of price points depending on the experience you need — so it may be a great option for you to get good support in place, fast.